Cultivation: Tomatoes
Name: Ing. Lisandro Cantillanos
Copan Ruinas

What They Said:
‘The MAI-Preventive Program and PHYTON 24 resolve my problem of these disease problems in my tomatoes production. PHYTON 24 is a powerful Bactericide + Fungicide that controlled a broad spectrum of bacteria and fungus diseases on my tomato plantation’
Phyton 24 – Bacteria and Fungus diseases
PH-PLUS – To improve spray water quality.
Xenix – To improve the distribution, protection and absorption of the pesticides in the foliage.
NewFol Line – Supplied macronutrients and bio-stimulant to improve resistance to diseases and plant development.

- Full Control of fungi and Bacteria.
- Better disease protection during the crop cycle.
- Better foliar development.
- Better flowering
- Better Fruiting.
- High quality fruits
- Improved in yields.
What is a “Green Company”
Green companies show an outstanding commitment to protecting the environment through reduction of their resource footprint.
Businesses account for the consumption of vast amounts of resources, from office materials such as paper and plastics, to electricity and water.
Green companies also adopted environmentally friendly policies within their current business models.
These companies take their commitment to the environment seriously and realize the economic savings that can be gained from a more environmentally friendly approach to business.